I teach courses on organizational and economic sociology, sciences, expertise, and professions, technical courses on social network analysis and computational approaches in quantitative research, and supervised independent research projects. I work with the ideas that students develop more than received interpretations in my substantive seminars, and I have developed materials for technical classes that get students without prior experience started coding in R and Python and expand the skills of more advanced students.
Sciences Po
Expert Work in the Digital Age (Spring 2020; 2022)
Data Science gegen soziale Probleme (in German; Spring 2021; 2020)
Sociology of Organizations and Collective Action (required course; Fall 2021; 2022)
Data Science in Context (PSIA, Fall 2020; 2021)
Social Capital and Relational Capital (with Emmanuel Lazega, Fall 2020)
University of Mannheim
Introduction to the Sociology of Professions and Science (Spring 2019; Spring 2018; Spring 2017)
Introduction to Economic Sociology (Fall 2018; Spring 2018; Fall 2017; Fall 2016)
Empirical Research Practicum (Fall 2018)
Organizational Innovation (Spring 2016)
Hacking the Meso-Level (Computational Social Science Introduction; March 2014)
Python Programming for Social Sciences (February 2018)
Sociology of Professions and Science (Fall 2018; Fall 2016)
Topics in Economic Sociology (Spring 2017)
Columbia University
Organizing Innovation (Teaching assistant; instructor: David Stark)
Senior Thesis Seminar (Teaching assistant; instructor: Tom DiPrete)